Players have multiple options to set their 'room environment' with personal preferences, enter a Game Room to analyze or play matches, specify levels of instruction desired in The Classroom, play rated games in The Tournament Room, or visit The Library to study more than 800 classic games. In addition to the long-standing setup options of the series, The Kid's Room allows children or novices to work on drills, play practice games, learn to play, and monitor progress. Players can benefit from new features like a Mentor Lines window (depth of advice), a Blunder Alert option, hidden opponents, and competition against other chess engines. International Master Josh Waitzkin, whose rise in the chess world was documented in the movie Searching for Bobby Fischer, offers a new 'Psychology of Competition' chess course as well. With more than a decade and a half of enhancements and improvements to build on, the designers have added over 60 new chess sets and boards, introduced a 'blindfold chess' mode, and a new random opponent feature. Chessmaster release for MS-DOS and Atari ST, Ubi Soft Entertainment takes over the development reigns with Chessmaster 9000.